Feature Comparison

All the features of church admin plugin are privacy protected and when you give your church members a subscriber level login, they can edit themselves and set their own privacy options.

Many of the modules can produce content for the public facing pages and posts of your church website using a shortcode, block or Elementor widget. If the content could contain personal data, by default it will be password protected.

Free Version – from WordPressPremium Version

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Address List – store your congregation’s household details securely and organise people into member types (e.g. visitor, regular, member) for easy communication. You can also display the login only address list for your members with user accounts. Users can set their own privacy.
More Information
Address List – store your congregation’s household details securely and organise people into member types (e.g. visitor, regular, member) for easy communication. You can also display the login only address list for your members with user accounts. Users can set their own privacy.
More Information
Calendar – create and display one off and regular calendar events including nth day (e.g. first Sunday)
Produce monthly and year PDFs
Table style Calendar
List Style Calendar
Calendar – create and display one off and regular calendar events including nth day (e.g. first Sunday)
Produce monthly and year PDFs
Table style Calendar
List Style Calendar
Sermon Podcasting – upload and display Video and Audio sermons, with sermon series. An xml file produced for podcasting services and the ability to show Apple, Spotify and Amazon podcasting links.
Example Sermons page
Sermon Podcasting – upload and display Video and Audio sermons, with sermon series. An xml file produced for podcasting services and the ability to show Apple, Spotify and Amazon podcasting links.
Example Sermons page
Our Church App – an app for iOS and Android devices for your congregation to download and keep up to date with church life. Very customisable and you can add your own pages to the app simply.
More information about the Our Church App
Bible Readings – you can produce daily Bible reading notes for your congregation, with push and email notification when a note is published.
Bible readings
Sites and Services – set up as many sites and services as you wish
Schedules – schedule who is doing what at your various services. Schedule reminders can be sent manually or automatically by email and SMS
More information
Email – send emails to everyone or targeted groups in your church, like a ministry team, all the men, parents etc. Emails can be sent using native WordPress email, SMTP settings or best with the Mailersend API*
SMS – send SMS to everyone or targeted groups in your church, like a ministry team, all the men, parents etc. We recommend using Twilio*
Ministries – build teams for your various ministries and communicate with them. You can set online signup forms with approval by team leader, or print out sign up form.
Example ministries page
Ministries signup form example
Small groups – organise your small groups, with online and PDF sign up forms, PDFs of who is in which groups. Includes multilevel oversight of small groups for large churches.
Example page showing small groups
Children’s Ministry – organise your children’s ministry and safeguarding documentation and onboarding of new leaders. Use Checkin and Checkout PDFs.
Classes – organise the classes your church runs.
Example of classes booking page
Events – create free and paid for ticketed events that can be paid for online or offline.
Example event page
Giving forms – take online one-off and monthly donations with PayPal forms and Stripe (for one offs). Can be set with a fund dropdown for directed giving. Full reporting and CSV export and gift aid export CSV for UK churches.
Example giving form
Safeguarding – keep safeguarding concerns and follow up actions securely
Prayer Requests – users can send in prayer requests for display (login only) when moderated. Once published they can sent out automatically by email and push.
Example Prayer Requests page
Safeguarding reporting – secure reporting and followup of Safeguarding concerns. Your church safeguarding team member(s) get instant email/push notification.
Pastoral Visitation – organise your pastoral visitation programme with appointments and reminders sent to your pastoral team members.
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