Bulk Publish a Bible readings plan

For the last couple of years, we have had a rota of different church members recording a daily Bible reading and prayer which was published via the Church Admin Plugin “Bible Readings” post type every day. During the lockdowns, people loved to hear each others voices reading the Scriptures. It was a lot of work to produce, upload and post daily!
In subsequent years, we wanted to read the whole Bible in One Year together. But I still wanted that push notification/email to go out to give the readings.

So I have added a  “Bulk Bible Reading publish” link in the settings menu. With it you can upload a CSV file of Bible readings and set a publish start date! 

Each row is a separate day and you need to put each reading in a separate column, have a look at the example

Here is an example of the Popular BiOY reading plan.
The form is pretty simple to use.

I uploaded mine a few minutes ago, so today’s scheduled post went out straight away, tomorrows will be published at 6am.

If you have the premium version, app users will get a push notification each time a reading is published. The premium version of the plugin is an annual subscription.

I hope that it will encourage your church members to read the Bible together!