
Users have been requesting online giving for a few years now and Church Admin Plugin now has it.

  • Online giving with Paypal and from July 2023 Stripe
  • Monthly or one off donations
  • Tracked to people in the backend
  • Reporting on screen and CSV download for all and individuals by date
  • UK Churches – gift aid recording and CSV download for HMRC spreadsheet pasting

To access the online giving shortcode and block, your church needs to be have an Our Church app licence at $99.

Here’s a video tutorial on how to set up…

Here’s what the online giving will look like on your site (it is live!)

Setup is pretty easy to. Once you have an app licence, Church Admin> Giving changes from

To this screen with “Setup Paypal details” in red

Click to toggle and fill out the form

You’ll need your PayPal email address, what currency you want donations in and your nations currency symbol.

UK churches can opt to put a Gift Aid declaration form in the giving form too.

Lastly check the box if you want the giving form in the app.

Then you can use the shortcode on your site

[church_admin type="giving"]

To activate the Online PayPal giving module, please purchase an app licence for your church at

USD $99 (GBP £75)