A church Small group ministry is one of the best ways of helping people stay connected to church life. As a church grows, small groups need overseeing and so Church Admin allows multi levels of small group oversight.
Organising Small Group Structure.
Moses couldn’t cope with looking after the whole of Israel on his own, so Jethro told him to organise the people of God into thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Churches using the Church Admin plugin vary in size from 20 to 2,000, so will need a different size structure if you have small groups in your church. If you don’t have small groups – why not? Acts 2 shows us the early church meant all together and in homes – it’s a place where people really do get to know one another, care for one another and disciple each other in the faith.
A structure
I’m assuming that you have set up a directory first with people who will end up being in small groups, coaches, zone pastors etc.
In the plugin a structure like that is shown by clicking Groups and then Small Group Structure
You can add an oversight level using the form field and clicking save. The levels can be put in order using simple drag and drop.
Next you can start to populate the levels.
Start that process by clicking on the Oversight Level submenu
Each level has a name and then people who are in that level. For Zone Pastors they might look after a section of your city or town like East, West. John Smith may look after East and Jane Smith West.
You can edit the names of people at a level on creation and in the table.
Lastly you can start adding and editing the small groups themselves
Adding some small groups will allow you to display a map of when and where they all are on a page or post.
To add your first group, click Add a small group…
Once again most of the fields should be self-explanatory and you can geolocate the address for the map by clicking “Please click here to update map location…” You’ll need a Google Maps API key to have the map update.