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App screenshots

The app is highly customisable!
The home, giving and groups pages are default pages that can be edited, but not deleted.
You can add pages, add a page to show posts from a category and turn off unwanted default content.


App Home Page The home page is easily customisable and serves as the first page viewable on the app.
Address page The address page allows logged in users to search for people within the church and view their address details.
Logged in users can use the Account page to edit their household and add people to it.
The Bible readings page grabs todays Bible reading notes if you use them or just shows links to today’s Bible readings for the plan (default is Murray McCheyne Bible in a year plan)
Calendar page The calendar page shows a week to view of your church calendar, with a drop down to show other weeks.
The giving page is another customisable page that you can envision for giving and provide links to your online giving providers.
Another default page is for groups (which can be switched off and the menu title can be changed). This will show all your small groups. For logged in users the “My Group” button lists the address details of the group the user is in.
Sermons The sermons page lists your sermons that have been uploaded and allows playback in the app.
Lastest news Latest news pulls in the latest blog posts. Some churches just want to show posts from a category, you can create a menu item easily to just show posts in a particular category.
Prayer Requests Prayer requests shows the latest prayer request and allows users to send a prayer request for moderation if they are not an admin level user.
Custom pages You can create custom app content and pull in pages – we have created a menu item for prophecies over the church.
Schedule The rota page shows this weeks schedule of jobs. Other services can be chosen and the “My rota” button shows a logged in user their schedule involvement over the next period.

Get the app now for your church

The premium version of the plugin including the Our Church app access for your church is a monthly subscription of $10 USD.

Premium Plugin monthly subscription $10USD per month