This Church Admin plugin module allows you to set up automatic daily emails, respecting people’s privacy settings.
The automations have templates that you can set for what the emails look like. A green or red tick shows you whether that automation is active.
Daily email to people celebrating their birthday – sends out an email to people who are celebrating their birthday that day. For children’s birthdays the message goes to parents
Daily email to everyone listing that day’s birthdays – sends out an email to everyone listing all that day’s birthdays.
Daily email to people celebrating their anniversary– sends out an email to couples who are celebrating their anniversary that day.
Daily email to everyone listing that day’s anniversaries – sends out an email to everyone listing all that day’s anniversaries.
Daily email listing that day’s birthdays and anniversaries – sends out an email to everyone listing all that day’s anniversaries and birthdays.
Custom field automations – this allows you to set up a daily digest email to a contact for changes in a particular custom field. As an example, say you have a custom field for “Transport required” -as people register or edit their entry, a daily email of any changes to transport required could be sent to your transport coordinator.
The green or red flag indicates whether any automations have been set up.
As you set up the automations, you canset the email from name and email address, the subject and message body with tempates. The emails are sent according to your plugin email settings (immediate or queued) and is triggered on webpage hits after 6am daily (using WordPress Cron). If you can change server settings you can create a more reliable server based cron job to fire daily.