Using Soundcloud in Sermons

Church Admin works best when you upload your sermon mp3s to your own site and add them that way. But it does allow external files.

A few people have asked me about Soundcloud – finding the URL of your files is a bit convoluted as the intention is you use their player.

But here’s how to do it. You need to find the URL of your RSS feed and you need to set your tracks to be downloadable. shows you how to do that.

Or you can use to find your RSS feed. Once you have it, copy and paste and browse to it.
I looked at Newday event, our family of church’s youth festival.
Their soundcloud address is and using I found their RSS feed is

Once you have browsed to the feed it will look like a bunch of complicated xml code. What you are looking for is the latest .

<guid isPermaLink=”false”>tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/481052382</guid>
<title>2018 Newday 15-18s Sat RF Fight Club 5 Choose God Interview with Danielle and Antonio McKenzie</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 04 Aug 2018 14:23:52 +0000</pubDate>
<itunes:summary>2018 Newday 15-18s Sat RF Fight Club 5 Choose God Interview with Danielle and Antonio McKenzie by newday</itunes:summary>
<itunes:subtitle>2018 Newday 15-18s Sat RF Fight Club 5 Choose God…</itunes:subtitle>
<description>2018 Newday 15-18s Sat RF Fight Club 5 Choose God Interview with Danielle and Antonio McKenzie by newday</description>
<enclosure type=”audio/mpeg” url=”″ length=”26256312″/>
<itunes:image href=””/>

The URL of that item’s MP3 file is in this tag <enclosure type=”audio/mpeg”…

and the file is the bit with url=”

Complicated, but doable. Much easier to upload the files to your site and do it that way!