You can set your prayer requests page (see this article on how to setup the menu item) to be for logged in users. From v3.7.7 there is a template showing the login screen. It’s deliberately basic.
If you prefer you can get your theme designer to add a file private-prayer.php to your theme’s root directory.
Here’s the basics of what should be in that file…
* Not logged in prayer requests
$content='<div style="margin:0 auto;"><h2>'.esc_html(__('Prayer Requests','church-admin') ).'</h2>';
$content.='<p>'.__('This page is for logged in users only','church-admin').'</p>';
$content.= wp_login_form(array('echo'=>FALSE) );
$content.='<a href="'.esc_url( wp_lostpassword_url( get_permalink() ) ).'" alt="'.esc_attr(__( 'Lost Password', 'church-admin' ) ).'">'.esc_attr( __( "I've forgotten my password", 'church-admin' ) ).'</a></p></div>';
$content.='<a href="'.esc_url($registerPage).'">'.esc_html( __("Register",'church-admin') ).'</a></p>';
echo $content;