
We have a block and shortcode to show sermon media on your website. You can upload sermon recordings or add urls to video files to create a sermons page.

[church_admin type=sermons ] shows all your sermon uploads

Ther are some optional parameters for the shortcode

how_many=9 – would show 9 sermons and then pagination to see more

start_date=2020-01-01 would only show sermons since 1st January 2020 – please use ISO YYYY-MM-DD format

rolling=12 override start_date and only shows the last 12months of sermons

pdf=1 shows pdf link for transcript

10 marks of the Antioch Church

Play sermon

3rd March 2019

Audio plays: 118

In many ways the church in Antioch was more of a model church than the Acts 2 Jerusalem believers. Here are 10 ways that church excelled

Big vision, ordinary people filled with a might God

Play sermon

29th September 2018

Audio plays: 39

God uses ordinary people to fulfill his big vision for loving the world

The mission of God

Play sermon

22nd July 2018

Audio plays: 16

Join God’s mission today!

Drawing people in

Play sermon

16th October 2016

Audio plays: 154

Janet explains how we team fish to draw people in to the adventure of faith with Jesus

Passionately pursuing God

Play sermon

9th October 2016

Audio plays: 24

The Gospel sts us free to passionately pursue God.

Multicultural Church

Play sermon

5th October 2016

Audio plays: 22

We are a multicultural church – Kees explains what that means

Destiny for the rest of us

Play sermon

27th September 2016

Audio plays: 21

Huldah has 7 verses written about her in the Bible, but she made a big impact. you too have a destiny…

What is God saying to us

Play sermon

4th September 2016

Audio plays: 22

What is God saying to us as a church and the Relational Mission family and what are we going to do about it?

Meals with Jesus the finale!

Play sermon

17th July 2016

Audio plays: 22

5 things the resurrection changes in our lives