Adding/Editing a household

Adding or editing a household is made up of two things – the address details and the people’s details.
On clicking Church Admin>People>Add Household, the next screen shows those two parts.

The People section

The standard name fields are first name and last name. You can also have a middle name, prefix and nickname fields – by setting them on the General Settings section of the Settings page.
Clicking on the date of birth field, brings up a nice calendar to choose the date or you can leave it blank.
Cellphone should be self-explanatory!

People type gives three options by default – Adult, Teenager and Child.
Member Type allows selection of their member type
Site – which site they are part of if you are a multi-site church
Email is really important as it allows communication.
Gender and Marital Status can also be set.

The Add person button allows another person for that household to be added.

Once all the people for that household have been added, you can add the address and phone number.

If you have set up a Google API key then a map will show like below

Type in the address with commas and click Please click here to update map location... The map will then show the rough location with a marker which can be dragged and dropped to the right address. This allows the exact latitude and longitude to be saved so that maps can be shown on the address list shortcodes.

Private means that the people can receive emails and sms but their details won’t be searchable or shown on the shortcodes.

Click the Save button to save the entry