Showing Church Admin elements on your website

There are two ways to make Church Admin Elements on your website on a page or a post.

Use a Shortcode

Shortcodes are a shorthand way of telling WordPress to put some content from a plugin on your website. They are a command inside square brackets. Up until WordPress 5 that was the only way to display plugin content. You can continue to use them if you have the Classic Editor plugin activated and usingteh Shortcode block.

An example is [church_admin_register] which puts the registration/edit address entry form on a page.

Shortcodes can also have options. The main Church Admin plugin shortcode is [church_admin] without any options it will default to showing the address list. For personal data security only logged in users can see the address list – everyone else will get a login form!

To show the various modules of Church Admin the type option is added

[church_admin type="address-list"]

Others are

[church_admin type="rota"] – which displays the rota (known as a schedule in the US).

[church_admin type="my-rota""] which displays a user’s personal rota’d tasks.

[church_admin type="calendar"] – which displays the calendar.

[church_admin type="birthdays"] – which displays upcoming birthdays.

Most of those shortcodes have further options, which are explained in the manual and on your website Dashboard>Church Admin>Settings>Shortcodes

Use a Block

WordPress 5.0 introduced the Block editor for creating and editing pages and posts. It took some getting used to at first, but I love it now. There are lots of Church Admin blocks you can use – each one has the options over on the right hand side when you select it. It’s actually easier to use than the old shortcodes.

The options for the address list block