One fund only giving form

One of our great privileges as followers of Christ is that we can bless others.

I’m in the UK where we have an amazing national health service, that has been working in overdrive in this pandemic. Our doctors, nurses and other staff have been working tirelessly and are frankly in need of encouragement as the pandemic keeps going.

We’ve learnt how encouraging  it is to receive a thoughtful gift, so our church came up with the idea of “Bless our NHS” – we are making up thank you bags with a gift card to a local coffee shop, a chocolate bar and a handwritten note of thanks written by people in the church. Through social media, others in our community to are joining in and paying to bless an NHS frontline worker. 

In coming up with the idea, I realised that the online giving module could do with a setting to lock it to one fund and one-off only giving.

So once you have updated Church Admin – you can adjust the shortcode to lock it to one giving campaign on that page by adding

fund=”Bless our NHS” – or whatever fund you like!

That means, If the fund option is in the shortcode the form is locked to that one fund, whatever it may be.

You can also add


If you would like to offer only one-off giving for that campaign.

Under the hood – reporting will save a person’s name and address if they are not in your address list and they have allowed PayPal to pass it on.

You can check out our “Bless our NHS” campaign by clicking the image above (up until 16th Feb 2021) – why not do something similar in your church?

Online Giving is a premium option to app subscribers. I make no charges on transactions – only PayPal’s fees apply (which are reduced if you register as a non-profit or charity).

To access the onling giving module, your WordPress site will need the Premium version of the Church Admin plugin which includes online giving, piad event tickets and an iOS and Android app.