David Z.

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  • in reply to: Import ICS? #6725
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    One last thing… an Export Events feature would be great for when you need to migrate the events to a dev site or a new design, etc. Thanks again!

    in reply to: Import ICS? #6723
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Update: Was able to get it to work by deleting and re-adding the plugin. Please note: you may want to say on the import page that a date range is required or refuse to submit without filling out the fields. If any other fields are required, you might want to indicate that as well. Thanks!

    in reply to: Calendar and Bookings Acting Very Strange #5449
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    1.) No errors.
    2.) Sent.

    in reply to: Responsive Calendar #4450
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Not a bad concept, Andy, although the event number underneath the day number is distracting and potentially confusing. Maybe do something graphically to indicate appointments, since you’re listing them to the left, you don’t *really* need to see the number.

    in reply to: Responsive Calendar #4434
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    It’s been a while Andy, and I’ve made do with the old style calendar, but we really need to improve the look of the calendar. It’s just not looking current and the new style is not calendar-y enough. LOL You know what I mean. What about integrating some JQuery stuff like you mentioned above?

    in reply to: Bulk Editing Provacy Settings #4378
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    I could not for the life of me find that, is it in the edit for each person? Did you say you were going to figure a way to bulk edit that?

    in reply to: Bulk Editing Provacy Settings #4376
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Sent! Thanks!

    in reply to: Bulk Editing Provacy Settings #4374
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Andy, just got back to this. So I confirmed everyone and the address list is still not showing. I am using this code:

    [church_admin type="address-list" member_type_id="#" photo="0" map="1" site_id="0" pdf="0" loggedin=TRUE]

    Even with loggedin removed, it still won’t show. Thoughts?

    in reply to: Bulk Editing Provacy Settings #4329
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    The problem is when importing a CSV it defaults to not showing the household online, and I would like to be able to change that. Either bulk editing or being able to tick a box during import. Thanks!

    in reply to: Media Interface Tweaks #4266
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Recent 2.300 update works a treat, thanks! One last question. Does this change also apply to the Sermon Series, because it still seems to be not sorting most recent first. The only thing is Single Sermons, you might want to put that at the top or bottom (or let us pick!), because that really shouldn’t be included in the sort.

    And Rich, “Lovely jubbly”?

    in reply to: Individual Sermon Series Listing Not Working #4239
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Working now, thanks! Just one followup. Now on the main sermons page, the sermons list from oldest to youngest. Is there a shortcut switch to change the sort order? I can’t seem to find it on the Shortcodes page or the manual. Thanks.

    in reply to: Issue Adding Events #4085
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    My wife would kill me if I wasted tea like that, lol… Yes, that seems to be the case or perhaps if I don’t enter a start/end time.

    in reply to: Directory Info Missing On Site #3994
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Sent refreshed DB to the support email, but in the meantime, uploaded a new file with additional fields and this one seems to work. The only issue is the spacing in the address and the field names/field data separation.


    in reply to: Odd Media (sermon) Display #3821
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    Andy, I have to say I think I like the old layout for the sermons better than this new one. That being said, I took a shot at tweaking some of the CSS to make it a little easier on the eyes. I would start out by swapping the columns and putting the list on the left and the current sermon on the right. Then I added 10px padding all around inside the main frame. Next, I organized the headers a bit so they read easier. The sermon series remains at H2 (I might suggest making it bold), the sermon title at H3 (optionally italic) and the Click Item header is an H6 all uppercase. Sermon titles in the list can be bold or bold italic. The leading could be tightened up here, too, which would make for shorter lists. Maybe if you put the play button in a vertical column on the right edge of the box or at the bottom of each entry, it would align better and allow more room for the title. And as always, please use some kind of hover function that let’s the user know they are doing something. At first I had no idea that clicking an item in the list was doing anything. I have a screenshot but no way to attach it.

    in reply to: Crash! 1.13 Does not allow page to load #3820
    Avatar for David Z.David Z.

    No I think we’re good on this issue. I found others… Cool that I mentioned elsewhere.

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