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  • in reply to: Bug Report – preview of Email showing html #3589
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen


    in reply to: Multiple copies of email sent #3485
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    I sent the database the other day. I know you’re busy, so I’m not trying to push for a response, but I was wondering if it arrived?

    in reply to: Ministries, small groups and classes #3483
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    As a work-around, when I want a class, I create a Small Group and then name it “Class: Early Christianity” or “Class: Parenting” or whatever.
    I would like to be able to associate the small groups with the different ministries, to help sort them. We’ve ended up with quite a few groups. Or have them be sorted in alphabetical order in the User Profile

    in reply to: Cron returning error “file not found” #3482
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    (I inherited this site, and I’m still trying to make sense of it.) Whoever installed WordPress did so inside a folder named html. There is indeed a path
    [ Home / domains / uubgky.org / html / wp-content / plugins / church-admin / includes / cronemail.php ] . The .htaccess file is in folder [Home /domains/uubgky.org/html/ ] and it reads:

    AddHandler php5-script .php

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    anything in there that might be confusing things?

    in reply to: Multiple copies of email sent #3476
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    The database has one couple in the same household who share the same email address, nine people without any email address, and everyone else has a unique email address. Sending it twice to one household is not optimum, true, but sending it five times to every household makes recipients cranky.

    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    Just installed v0.819. Working great now, thank you!

    One suggestion: In the text box “Or Create a new One”, suggest changing the help text from “Or add a new department” to “Or add a new ministry” for consistency in terminology.

    in reply to: Multiple Services with different tasks #3473
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    I’m running v0.818 and it’s working fine on my site.

    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    Ah. I wondered why department (aka ministry) was in that table. Always interesting to see how old decisions can get turned to new uses in coding. I think you were wise to not link people to ministry for a particular job in the rota, since with the autocomplete, it’s not that hard to find people, and requiring membership in a ministry means we’d all have to make sure that all the people are matched to the proper ministries, and that’s just one more item to maintain.

    in reply to: Cron returning error “file not found” #3471
    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    I’ve got
    /usr/local/bin/php -f /nfs/c08/h03/mnt/126983/domains/uubgky.org/html/wp-content/plugins/church-admin/includes/cronemail.php

    all on one line with the space before and after the -f and no spaces before the /usr or after the .php, and I’m still getting a file not found.

    Not a clue why it’s not working.

    I’ll look into mailchimp; thanks for the tip.

    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    Rota, not podcast. It says I can specify autocomplete or not, but when I set it to NO and save it, it keeps going back to YES. I went into the database hoping I could set it there, but couldn’t find that field in the table for rota_settings.

    Avatar for JaneenJaneen

    Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to the fix.

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