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  • in reply to: [SOLVED] List of shortcodes #3875
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    The shortcode from church admin does not work
    [church_admin type="ministries" member_type_id="#"]

    When I used
    [church_admin type="ministries" member_type_id="all"]
    It listed all the ministries and members

    But when I used
    [church_admin type="ministries" member_type_id="8"]
    It listed a blank page

    But when I used
    [church_admin type="ministries" member_type_id="2"]
    It listed all the ministries and members
    Any other number returned a blank page

    When I used
    [church_admin type="ministries" ministry_id=8]
    It listed a blank page

    I had to use
    [church_admin type=ministries ministry_id=8 member_type_id=all]
    to list the specific ministry “8”

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3864
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Just an indication of the email_send status would be nice to have.

    Another way for resubscribing would be for them to register again from the registration page

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3862
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Next Question

    Can we have an indication to know the “email_send” status and also change it via the admin?
    Otherwise once unsubscribed a person cannot be resubscribed.

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3860
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Not quite – In the database row for a person
    `active` toggles whether they appear in the address listings
    `email_send` whether they receive an email.

    The unsubscribe link is changing email_send=0 and resubscribe changes email_send=1

    Will go back to includes/email.php and check why it’s not working
    … Done
    There was a bug in the query for filtered response, so it should work for next update fine.  

    Makes sense now
    Where do we see “email_send” 0 & 1 in the listings or is it just in the database?

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3858
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Got the test email and unsubscribed.
    Could you test send by entering my name first and then by using the filter
    Let me know when you have and I shouldn’t get anything  

    Hi Andy

    Think I have found the problem

    The unsubscribe does work but the database still shows the account as active and can be set to inactive from the people filter but it does not change the actual status.
    Using the filter in the People Tag I can set the account active or inactive but irrespective of which it shows it does not change the actual status.
    If I want to reactivate an account I can only do it by sending an email to the selected person and asking them to select the unsubscribe link and follow the “Oops resubscribe” link and that will reactivate them. (see below how I can send this to an inactive account)

    The Active/Deactive tag from the People filter page will not change the status although it greys out and shows the change.
    The unsubscribe link and subsequent “Oops resubscribe” both work as they should but do not show the correct status in the database.
    Once unsubscribed, filtered mail no longer sends to an inactive account and sending mail to just the unsubscribed person does not send, BUT if I include an additional subscribed recipient in the send to list it sends out the email irrespective the account being active or not.
    Allen Smith

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3855
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @Allen said:
    Bulk emails go out without the unsubscribe link in the footer of the message  

    Unsubscribe link now goes out in the email and as expected is a different link for each person.
    Link is to the unsubscribed page but the user account is not deactivated.
    Likewise a manually deactivated account cannot be reactivated from this page.

    I will send you a test email for you to see for yourself

    in reply to: Editing people #3854
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    It’s definitely fixed for the next update!  

    Now Fixed
    Thanks again Andy

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3850
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Will take another look!  

    Bulk emails go out without the unsubscribe link in the footer of the message

    in reply to: Editing people #3849
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Fixing bugs on editing people at the moment.
    Gender is fixed for next update, will check site now  

    Gender is fixed OK
    Person Type still reverts back to ADULT in drop down and has to be resetEmbarassed

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Is that in 1.1500?  

    Not sure of the version it was current at the time of posting, but you update faster than I can post.

    Please to say it appears to be fixed now
    Church Admin Plugin v1.1600 CoolCool

    in reply to: Editing people #3833
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Fixed OK in Church Admin Plugin v1.1600
    Seems OK in my version “Twenty Twelve Child” Theme with 37 active plugins all plugins up to date and greatly modified css
    Andy! Thanks for fixing Cool

    in reply to: Editing people #3818
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    All fixed in 1.1500 I think!  

    Not Fixed in v1.1510

    in reply to: [CLOSED] include email addresses in rota #3817
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    That’s doable, for neatness will probably make it an option and then make the name an obfuscated email link. The big but is data protection though. Do your people really want their email address on a public website page? In the UK we’d have to ask people first.  

    I have had to remove all email addresses from our site apart from the Church & myself (webmaster) because of unwanted SPAM
    If the email addresses were only included in the emails sent out for the current weeks rota then this would be acceptable

    in reply to: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode? #3800
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Cracked the unsub link issue finally.  

    Maybe! Embarassed but the emails now go out without the unsubscribe link Surprised

    in reply to: Editing people #3799
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @james182 said:
    Also the sex field isn’t saving “female” option only male  

    When you edit a Female entry it defaults to Male in the Gender box and if you don’t change it back to Female there becomes a gender change.

    Also just found that “Person Type” behaves similar manor in that it defaults back to Adult and you have to change it back.

    Also just found that “Site” defaults to the first site but after an edit returns a blank field

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