Sure thing Andy – you will have that pdf today. And I will include a copy of my own WWCC (Working With Children Card) as a sample and guide
The snapshot comes from another (expensive) web based system we partly use and I am thinking Church Admin has all we need except the WWCC particulars you will see from the snapshot. The information collected seems to satisfy at least the requirements of each State jurisdiction down under.
BTW – your upgrades have crashed my system twice in the last two days. I am working away from home and can correct the site but not work out how/why the crashes. Its all been good until now, so I am presuming it cannot be a major issue. It will no doubt be a single line of code affected … Roll on the weekend! If I get stuck I will send a further note
I am using Themeco’s Theme X. Church Admin is currently disabled. Our site is ljbaptist dot com dot au