WordPress Accounts Gone

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  • #3078
    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Hi Andy,
    We recently switched our web site (KOTP.org) over to a new hosting company and ever since we did so, the WordPress accounts that our people had are no longer showing up at the bottom of their information page, nor under WordPress’ “Users” tab. I take that back, my WordPress account & my wife’s work, but everyone else’s account is gone. So I re-entered my married daughter’s account information into the WordPress Users tab. This did allow our daughter to log in into the app, but when she did all her personal account information was missing from the app, even though her information shows up in our church database. I then went to her personal page to see if it showed a WordPress account attached to her name and there was no account attached to her page. Do you have any suggestions? I would really like to get our people signed back in so they can use the app…because it is an AWESOME app!!! (as I am sure you know) SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Morning Rick – I remember you had trouble with the SSL earlier on.

    It sounds like the wp_users table wasn’t copied over (for this I am assuming your WordPress database prefix is wp_)
    Now all your church admin directory users have a user ID on their account that no longer exists. If you create an account manually in Dashboard, Users it won’t be connected to their directory entry as in your daughter’s case. But when you edit here an option to assign it to the account on the edit screen probably won’t be there as the plugin thinks it’s already connected to a dead account (I’ll put some logic in to detect that issue in an upcoming update).

    For now…

    I remember that you had PHPMyAdmin access?
    Option 1 – all passwords will be the same
    Copy the old wp_users table over.
    If the passwords don’t work, then Use my password reset plugin – https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/emergency-password-reset/ to reset everyone’spassword and let them know

    Option 2
    We need to do it clear the user_id’s off everyone’s church admin directory entry
    UPDATE wp_church_admin_people SET user_id=NULL; should do it. If not UPDATE wp_church_admin_people SET user_id=0; will
    Then you can reset up accounts. Edit yourself to reconnect your account to the directory.
    Then for everyone else Church Admin>Create User Accounts

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Thank you, Andy. Unfortunately I am computer illiterate enough to not understand a lot of what you said. For example, I do not know how to copy the old wp_users table over. Actually I don’t even know if I have the old wp_users table or where I would find it. I used the back up feature in Church Admin before we transferred our site, but I am assuming that has nothing to do with what you are talking about. So I believe Option 2 is best for me. However, I do not know where to enter the shortcode: UPDATE wp_church_admin_people SET user_id=NULL; should do it. If not UPDATE wp_church_admin_people SET user_id=0;

    I really do appreciate your help, I am just sorry that I do not understand more.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Did you rebuild the rest of the site from scratch then?
    WordPress has its own database table for storing users. The church admin plugin connects that to the directory so you can login and see your details etc.
    The church admin database backup only saves the Church admin parts (tables) of the WordPress website.
    Do you know how to use PHPMyAdmin?

    If not I’ll add a menu item to sort the issue out without any hassles!

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    I did not rebuild the site from scratch. Our new hosting company had an app that transferred everything from our old hosting company to them, so I really do not know how to use PHPMyAdmin.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Could you send me an admin login so I can have a peek please

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Just sent it! Smile

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Thanks – so no users were transferred over.
    If you go to Church Admin>People>Create User Accounts they will be recreated and an email with username password sent to all yoru GDPR confirmed directory entries with an email

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    When I go to Church Admin>People>Create User Accounts I get this message:

    User accounts will be created for users with a unique email who have confirmed GDPR

    All email confirmed directory entries already have user accounts

    Another question that just popped into my mind. If I select the option to Create User Accounts, will this send out an e-mail to everyone in our database? I only want accounts for members & regular attenders and not every person who has ever visited our church. I do not want people who attended our church in the past to think that we are spamming them.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Sorry, not thinking straight!
    Church Admin thinks they have accounts, but in reality they don’t as they weren’t copied over when you moved hosts.
    I’ll update the plugin to check and fix when you click on Church Admin>People>Create User Accounts

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    So just looked at the code for Create User Accounts and it would fix it already! Go fo it – everyone will get username and password sent to them

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Thanks Andy!

    Another question that just popped into my mind. If I select the option to Create User Accounts, will this send out an e-mail to everyone in our database? I only want accounts for members & regular attenders and not every person who has ever visited our church. I do not want people who attended our church in the past to think that we are spamming them.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    You specify which member types on the next page, before it does the creating

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    That is great. Unfortunately, when I select “Create User Accounts” I still get “All email confirmed directory entries already have user accounts”. I even used a different browser just in case my default one was reading from the cache. I do not know what I am doing wrong. Also, I understand that it is later in the evening where you are, so please do not feel like you have to keep working on this. I would like to get it fixed, but it does not have to be right away.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It needs a tweak! Updating….

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