What’s the best way to add Committee Meetings?

About Support Calendar What’s the best way to add Committee Meetings?

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  • #2866
    Avatar for mattamatta

    We have Services, Classes, and Small Groups, but what would be the best way to add our regular Committee Meetings for the running of the church (like Finance Committee, Facilities, Personnel, Church Council, etc.).

    I have added each Committee as a Ministry and added people to them, but I’m not quite sure where to add recurring meetings so that we can take advantage of automatic email or SMS reminders.

    Anyone have a suggestion on how you do it?


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    One day I’ll add committees as a module as people occasionally ask for it.
    I first started developing the plugin for use in my own churches and it has grown with us and we don’t do committees.

    A Committee module would require different features than small groups and services

    1. Agenda and Minutes upload
    2. Reminders by email/sms before meeting with agenda attached.
    3. Ability to have access restriction to committee members (that would be using a “ministry” for each committee)

    Anything else?

    Avatar for mattamatta

    This could be a really good thing. Let me think about what I’m really asking for and will post a framework soon.

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