Firstly, compliments on this plugin overall. Very helpful! I am setting up our church’s new website and I have a page dedicated to volunteer signups using the shortcode [church_admin type="volunteer"]. However, I have added a church member to our directory who does not have a WP account and, therefore, does not have a churchadmin login. Now when I load the “volunteer” page, it shows the login box like normal, but underneath the login box is that member’s name and the list of ministries they could volunteer for. I believe this to mean that anyone who accesses the website could see that information which is a problem. Is there any way to fix this? Maybe some way to restrict the volunteer shortcode to only WP users? Or someway to exclude users who do not have a WP account? I have tried added [loggedin=”TRUE”] to the end of the shortcode but that hasn’t worked.
Screen Capture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oc6JPc-7PYkxnhaCQeHKOynwkFyJ20uQ/view?usp=sharing
Some of our members don’t use email so they likely wouldn’t be using the site very much anyway. But we still wanted them to show up in the church directory and I can manually add them to some long-standing ministry groups.
Thank you!
-Eric Hucker