I have noticed that both this plugin’s menu tabs “settings” & “permissions” have the same eleven form fields: Directory, Small groups, Rota, Funnel, Bulk emails, Sermons, Bulk sms, Calendar, Attendance, Member type, and Service form fields.
Set Levels For Plugin Functions is found on the “settins tab” with drop down preset option wp levels.
This I understand all well and good, but saving this tab and moving onto the permissions tab I see the question, “Who is allowed to do what?” with empty form fields and no preset drop down options.
At our church’s site I have setup some custom wp user level roles with a plugin called: Edit user Role v4.8. Examples roles are Elder & Pastor. I can see in your plugin’s “settings” tab these custom admin levels are found which I appreciate. Ok here is my bewilderment: In these blank “permissions tab” fields, do I put user level roles into these fields with the assumption that that level grade and above has the rights for this said function? Also if these fields are left blank, does that allow all user level including visitor to access said function.
I am very impressed just how well thought out this plugin is.
Thank you all,