time delay needed on calendar

About Support What do you want added? time delay needed on calendar

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    Avatar for WestlockBaptistWestlockBaptist

    the calendar widget is great. But if someone comes to the site a bit late, the event has rolled off the screen already. We are using the function for hotlinks to zoom meetings, so this prevents them from getting into the meeting. I think a 4 to 12 hour delay would be reasonable. Ideally a setting somewhere.

    It would also be great if the hotlinks actually worked on other embedded calendar pages, because hotlines are such useful tools. As it is they only seem to work in the widget .

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Hi there. Happy Easter!

    Little confused – all the calendar shortcodes and widgets display all events for that day – so anytime between 00:00 and 23:59 on the 12th April (admitedly the server’s time!), events will show. But if someone looks at 00:01 on the 13th they won’t see anything for the12th with the widget. But they would for the monthly calendar and claendar list shortcodes. Looking on your site 22:41 (GMT+1) I can see everything for the 12th April

    I’ve added links to the calendar list format [church_admin type="calendar-list"] into the next update

    I’ll add links to the app too but that will take longer to work as app updating is more complicated!

    Avatar for WestlockBaptistWestlockBaptist

    Thanks Andy. I will do more testing.. Possibly the 8 hour difference between us and your server was an issue that time. We can work with this either way.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Check what time your host thinks it is in Dashboard>Settings>General – you can adjust it there if necessary!

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