Still problems with PDF directory

About Support Directory Still problems with PDF directory

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  • #3039
    Avatar for JonJon

    I’m afraid I still can’t get a PDF directory to work correctly.

    I was using pdf=1, but to show birthdays I switched to pdf=2 and thought it solved the problem. However, pdf=2 doesn’t show any phone numbers or emails, even though there are fields for them. It does show birthdates as I wanted.

    pdf=1 shows everything we need EXCEPT birthdays, and I actually prefer the larger photos.

    Am I doing something wrong? I can’t find any settings affecting it.

    Thank you.

    Avatar for RevRobertRevRobert

    Thank you, Jon, for posting this question, as I have the same issue.
    And thank you, Andy, for creating this alternate directory format as it is much clearer and paginates nicely.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Hi chaps, in the next update v2.6875 pdf=1 will by default show the dates of birth if stored. Adding showDOB=FALSE turns that off!

    Avatar for JonJon

    Thank you, that’s an improvement, but pdf=1 still has problems. Pictures will break over pages. PDF=2 handles pictures and pagination much better but doesn’t include contact info. Really need a combination of both!

    Avatar for JonJon

    Actually, now that I’m working with it both have the same problems with pagination and pictures breaking. I will just create my own, but in the future would be lovely to generate a good pdf for our older folks who aren’t tech savvy.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I’ll have a good look at it soon!
    This week Events is getting a rewrite as it was pretty buggy.

    Avatar for jmabryjmabry

    I found a solution to the problem in pdf=2 where the phone numbers and emails do not show.

    Edit the wp-content/plugins/church-admin/includes/pdf_creator.php.

    On line 826, change $person->mobile to $person['mobile'] and the same on line 830 for email $person->email to $person['email']

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