[SOLVED] Online Directory Issues

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    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Hi! Just a couple of issues that have arisen since the last couple of updates to the plugin. The Online Directory has begun showing multiple entries for most families in the congregation and yet not everyone in the congregation. Secondly, the directory does not always show the children in the same order that I have them listed in the database (i.e. by age). I thought maybe it was simply listing them in alphabetical order, but that is not the case either. Any suggestions? Smile

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Thanks for pointing it out. I’ve fixed the issue for 1.3700 coming out in a few minutes.

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Thank you so much!

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Hi Andy! The update did fix the issue with the order that the children are listed, however I still get multiple entries for each family. Single people are listed only once, but for families I get an entry for the number of people in the house. So for my family “Franks, R” shows up three times in the online directory. Like I said earlier this is a new development; it did not use to do that.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It’s an issue with which household member is the head of household. I thought I’d fixed it where it was missing for some people and hadn’t. Had another go and tested and it seems to work.

    Meanwhile I just edited your households where it was happening and did some dragging and dropping which also fixes it!

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Thank you so much! I just installed the update and everything works GREAT now!!!! Smile

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