I’m playing around with small groups for the first time, and here’s what I’m finding out.
When I created my first group, I just filled in what I thought was the minimum information. I skipped over the max attendees field which turned out to be an error. That field is required, apparently, although there’s no indication of it. Since I didn’t fill it in, it defaulted to zero, which meant nobody could sign up for it. (Perhaps a better behavior, or at least what I would expect, is that if the field is left blank then it would be unlimited.)
The second issue, apparently if the group is “full”, that is, number of members = max_attendees, then the group doesn’t show in the signup form. This sort of makes sense — you wouldn’t want someone to sign up for a group that’s full — but what if the user is already a member? The user has no way of knowing. Worse, if they “save” the form, they are removed from that small group! On the bright side, that means the group will show up again (assuming it’s not overbooked), but if they sign up again it will disappear again.
Perhaps the best fix is to list all the groups regardless of number of members. If number of people >= max_attendees, then list the group as “(full)” rather than allowing them to sign up — unless they are already a member, in which case let them keep their membership or remove themselves.