Set and Reset Password Mechanism

About Support What do you want added? Set and Reset Password Mechanism


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  • #7499
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    There are two aspects to this:

    1. It would be great if users signing up could set their own passwords from the outset rather than be allocated one by the system and need to have it emailed to them (which is not very secure), and

    2. It would be similarly great if users could access an option through their personal account (on either app or website) to reset their password. I’ve disabled the WP dashboard view (because it would be unhelpful/confusing to many of my users), so users can’t access their WP profile to do it there.

    Is this something that can be done, please?


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    1) Take your point, but people set rubbish passwords- a school I was a governor at in 2014 used Password2014 for the government education website šŸ˜‰
    2) App reset password is now fixed – it sends a link to a simple WordPress password reset page – I know their code is safe and secure. So would prefer not to break security by making a mistake!

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