Sermon Series block link produces “no file” error

About Support Media Sermon Series block link produces “no file” error

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  • #6496
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Not urgent, but a tweak for more user-friendliness…

    When linking to the Sermons Page from the “Sermon Series” block, it brings up the correct series image and, on the right of the screen, the correct series of sermons, but under the image it says, “There is no file to display”, which is slightly disconcerting.

    When you select the sermon series from the right hand selector (on the Sermons Page), it works fine, and automatically presents the most recent sermon file underneath the series image. This is what I imagine should happen linking from the sermon series block.

    Thank you

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Will take a look at that!

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    I’m closing this report. I was using the old style sermon player. Recently the filter on that stopped working and accessing the sermons page from a sermon-series block, instead of the “no file” error presented instead a “Critical Error” message (though the site continued to work).

    I am now using the new style sermon player and it all works fine.

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