Schedule Function

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  • #9718
    Avatar for websourceprowebsourcepro

    Hi All
    I’m really trying not to be frustrated but I paid the additional dollars for just for the schedule function and for the life of me can’t figure it.

    When I click on add three months to a schedule nothing shows below, so I continue to click it. After I put in a go to date of 1/1/2024 all of a sudden all the schedule shows beginning in March and goes on for 2 years.

    I am not able to do a bulk delete meaning I have to click delete one by one. But every time I click delete it goes back to showing nothing because I guess today’s date is decemmber and the schedule doesn’t start until March of next year. This is really getting frustrating as I was trying to get the website up and coming by the first of the year and this is the only part that is not ready.

    Is there a way do delete bulk items in the schedule? Is their a way to just show the schedule on the admin page no matter the start date of the schedule?

    Avatar for websourceprowebsourcepro

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    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Hi there,
    Thanks for subscribing first of all.

    I’ll take a look at why the schedule didn’t immediatedly appear on clicking add three months.
    The extra dates that are empty will just sit there empty – they don’t really need to be deleted, but I’ll add a bulk delete facility in the next update.

    The “choose period from” form field works well for choosing a period to start from.
    If you have more than one service, you can also select which service.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Next update will make the schedule more user friendly – v4.0.19

    Avatar for kgourlaykgourlay

    I am glad to hear you are working on this. I too have still been having occasional issues with rota schedules, and these issues are becoming more problematic because I am trying to delegate some of the scheduling duties to another team coordinator.

    On the admin side, I occasionally see missing dates in the list. Clicking to add three months doesn’t help because it only adds after the last item in the list. A fix I found was to copy a blank schedule date to the missing date.

    On the front end, the problems seem to be worse. I frequently get missing or duplicated dates, and there’s apparently nothing one can do about this from the front end, it has to be fixed by deleting and recreating dates on the admin side, or by fiddling with the database by hand.

    Just a thought, but since the admin logic seems to work better, I wonder if that logic could be re-used on the front end instead of having a completely different set of logic and interface for each. I don’t know if there are other issues involved with doing this, but it might simplify things all around.

    Another thought is that I never really understood why schedule dates are added separately from service dates. Could things be simplified by showing the dates for services, and then add to the database when a person is assigned on a job? At least from a UI perspective, this would mean skipping the step of adding a schedule date.

    Thanks again for working on this area. I look forward to v4.0.19.

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