Schedule Assignment Mass Edit

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  • #3076
    Avatar for Nathan BoothNathan Booth

    I realize that a planning algorithm that takes into account availability, last time in a job assignment, and other parallel job assignments (to allow for an “Auto-scheduling Proposal”) is a bit much to ask for; however, if we could have any sort of quick edit capabilities it would be appreciated.

    – Show a 4 week grid perhaps, per job assignment or member, that would display current assignments and allow for quick updates where somebody is scheduled back-to-back, or for parallel jobs… or to facilitate creating a regular rotation
    – Maybe an editable “database view” with filters (where we could even “paste” from an external planning tool perhaps)
    – ?

    Avoid the cycle of – print out every service individually, merge them together in some application, review to see “oops, I have John Smith leading singing 3 services in a row over the course of a week”, go back in and manually adjust individual records, etc.


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