Rota showing in the app when it shouldn’t

About Support Rota Rota showing in the app when it shouldn’t

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    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Sorry, I’m having trouble and testing things out.

    I have two Sunday Service rotas. One is for the church building which we use in the summer. The other is for the school site we hire during the cold weather. The school site needs more setting up, so there are more jobs on the rota.

    The system seems to want to provide me with rota dates for the church building non-existent services whether I want them or not. I’ve taken comfort that the “front end” won’t show rotas that have no one serving in them, but that doesn’t actually seem to be the case. On the app, every date is selectable with a list of jobs “Not assigned yet” for the church rota (as well as the correct complete rota for the school). Earlier tonight it was giving me the option to add names (I’m logged in as admin), but it’s not now (could this be because I have given rota permission to another user?). Even logged in as a non-admin, those dates are showing in the same way.

    Obviously, I can delete the unwanted rota dates, but that’s more work I could do without.

    Have I done something wrong? It’s also not showing the times consistently – see the screenshot.

    Thank you again,

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    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    The database call for next 12 dates for that dropdown look for active services – maybe deactivate the unused service?

    It will show a time when one is set when creating the rota (I do that for a service that is temporarily changed in time – eg weddings). If no time is set that is different to normal it is not shown. Can change that I think in the code fairly easy.

    Now must setback to MA essay that is due at the end of the week….

    “Critique the contributions of Christianity and Islam to the making of Europe up to the Renaissance. Evaluate how these contributions have influenced your own context

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