Hello Andy, can I just check how this works…
If a ministry has no Team Leader, the volunteer applications are emailed to the admin, who can then approve them.
If a ministry does have a Team Leader, the volunteer applications are emailed to that leader with the “approve or decline” links. This is ideal. Thank you.
I have learned from your post above that those links require the Team Leader user to be not a subscriber. When I tried it, I learned that user also had to have been given “Ministries” permission. Provided those things are in place, the approve or decline function works well. But…
Whilst granting “Ministries Permission” to an individual user does give access to the “Schedule/Rota” module so the Team Leader can set the rota for their team (that’s brilliant!), it doesn’t actually let that user access the “Ministries” module. That means they can’t see their individual ministries and add or remove people from their teams if they have need to do so – they have to ask the admin to do that. Is that correct?
Thanks for all you’re doing with this – it’s great.