Rota bugs/suggs

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  • #2554
    Avatar for The Gray ManThe Gray Man


    Having a look at this to see if it will work for us – well done for what I’ve seen so far!

    Some issues with the Rota bit (which is primarily what I’m interested in):

    1) I added a second service – it won’t now let me delete that service (I go to Services – Service List – click on Delete – but then it just goes to a blank screen)

    2) If I make a mistake with the date of a service (i.e. start adding people to a service but then realise that it’s the wrong date) I can’t edit that date as far as I can see – I would have to delete the whole thing and start again.

    3) It would be great to be able to duplicate days – e.g. if we have 15 out of the 20 people on a rota who are the same three weeks running, it would be great to be able to enter the details for the first week, then duplicate it and just change the details that need changing.

    4) I get that the [church_admin type=rota service_id=1] shortcode only displays the coming week’s rota by design. However, it would be really helpful to have some further options for display – such as:
    – Short code to display the rotas for the next x weeks
    – Short code to display the rota for the week after next
    – Short code for a drop down box to allow the user to view rota for a certain date
    – Short code for a drop down box to select a particular user, which then shows all the tasks that user has assigned to them over the coming weeks

    5) Is there a way of combining people into a household AFTER they’ve been entered separately?

    6) Spreadsheet download doesn’t have a file extension – I know to put .csv after it, but most users won’t.

    7) (Not sure what the answer to this one is!) We have 20+ different names on the rota for each week – with that many names and tasks, the PDF is just overwhelmed on each row. Is there any way to customise how it’s shown – e.g. break each week into two rows, or just show initials or first names, or… ?

    8) It would be great to be able to import users via a CSV file, rather than having to enter them one by one.

    Sorry to overwhelm you with a long list! 😯 Hope that all makes sense…



    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Good list!
    1) Fixed for next update
    2) If you are editing the wrong date, just press back and choose the right date.
    3) Added for next update
    4) Will have a think about that – just changed the shape of the pdf download as it was getting to crowded with complicated rotas!
    5) Click on a person’s surname to bring up their household details – a move link is one of the options
    6) Which spreadsheet doesn’t have file extension – there is more than one!
    7) Added an option when creating editing rota jobs to use initials – that will help with say a “band” column where lots of people fill the role. Coming in next update
    8) Too complicated to do! Each person has a row in a people db table which is linked to their household or family. As an example of the complexity – Lots of churches will have extended families in different households with the same surname. How would the plugin know the difference in your spreadsheet as compared to Joe Bloggs’ spreadsheet!

    Will test update thoroughly before uploading!

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