Registration via App

About Support App Registration via App

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  • #6185
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Hello again, Andy,
    It would seem that a user who attempts to register via the App faces a couple of challenges not faced by those registering via website:

    1. Permission to receive SMS is assumed (no way to opt out)
    2. Permission to receive email is unclear… what are “other” emails?
    3. Registration does not ask for date of birth
    4. Registration does not ask for gender (and therefore assumes male)
    5. Registration requests HOME phone BUT NOT mobile / cell phone (which would then create a challenge, albeit surmountable, for SMS delivery).

    Perhaps most alarming, NOT ticking the box to give permission “To show me on the password protected address list” appears to have no effect. Logging in on the website to amend this showed that it WAS ticked (when it hadn’t been!).

    I can see the best way to acquire registrations is via the website, so will point people here in the future, but I think this needs tidying up.

    Thank you,

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    At the moment initial registration on the app was meant to be super simple, the bare bones. Once accepted and given a login, they can edit more and add people to household etc.

    Agreed Other email doesn’t make sense!
    Will make it the same as a website registration in next app update

    The not show me issue is fixed in plugin 3.4.119

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