Registration and Administration Author Info

About Support Directory Registration and Administration Author Info

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  • #5421
    Avatar for ahiltonnahiltonn

    Hey Andy,

    We’ve been getting used to the CA plugin here at We have noticed that the “Registration and Administration” page that the “Edit Entry” link takes you to displays an Author Bio at the bottom of the page. This would be cool, expect that for everyone in our church, it only displays MY Bio. Not sure why this is, perhaps because I am the one who imported all the directory data.

    It isn’t a huge issue, but the Bio isn’t really helpful given that it is *only* seen when editing directory info. We would just as soon not see it at all. Is there a mechanism to remove this, or is does that go in “Andy’s To Do” pile?

    Alan Hilton-Nickel

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Not sure I understand what you mean! Could you send me a screenshot please?

    Avatar for ahiltonnahiltonn

    I don’t seem to be able to upload files to the forum – I will send it via email.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Thanks – for reference for other Support visitors – his theme was appending an author bio for the page when logged in.

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