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Prayer Requests Screen Never Loads When Queue is Empty

About Support Prayer Requests Prayer Requests Screen Never Loads When Queue is Empty

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  • #6301
    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    If there are no current prayer requests, the prayer request page and form never load in the app. I found this by enabling the “Prayer” menu item in the app settings, then opening the Prayer menu from the app. No prayer requests had been created yet and the page just shows the page loader indefinitely.

    However, if I log into the Dashboard and manually create a prayer request from there, then the app is able to show me the prayer request form and the one prayer request. It seems that if there are no existing prayer requests that we should just show the form.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Thanks for that. Gone for a quick fix from the plugin end for now. Will be in next update.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Thanks for that. Gone for a quick fix from the plugin end for now. Will be in next update.

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