Prayer Requests Error 404

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  • #7409
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    I’ve just put “All Prayer Requests” as a menu item (for logged-in users), but when I’ve then tested it, it’s come up with Page Not Found (404).

    Any idea why?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That will be becuse your permalinks haven’t been “reset” to allow the custom-post type name to have an archive. (ie yourdomain/prayer-requests). Follow the first step in this tutorial (will take 30 secs!)

    Menu Items – Prayer Requests & Bible Readings

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Thank you. That fixed it.
    And now I have the other problem you flagged might be a possibility … my themes don’t want to play nicely.
    I’ll see if I can play with the index.php file.

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Good evening, Andy.
    I couldn’t adapt the themes index.php files (they didn’t look like your examples) so I gave up.

    However, the one theme that did display the prayer requests adequately* now isn’t … Have you changed something connected with this since 16th April?

    The “All Prayer Requests” page is doing what it should, but when I click the “Read more” links, the individual prayers are coming up as if they were excerpts on the “All Prayer Requests” page – with the “Read more” link still there… and no matter how many times I click that link, all I get (obviously!) is the same excerpt.

    *adequately: it’s not showing the “Add prayer request” line, but I can live with that.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Should be fixed for v3.7.11

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Thanks Andy,
    Strangely, the display of the prayers is working now…

    After I raised the question above, I noticed the same was happening to ALL my blog posts (i.e. including the ones not connected with your plugin), so I contacted the theme designer in case they’d done something. This morning, they asked for a link to test it, but it is now all working perfectly (and I’ve checked it on 2 PCs and a laptop!)

    So it’s a mystery. Maybe my PC getting itself in a knot last night?


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