Prayer moderation not honored, prayer ‘drafts’ shouldn’t show, and 1 request

About Support App Prayer moderation not honored, prayer ‘drafts’ shouldn’t show, and 1 request

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  • #9829
    Avatar for Richard HughesRichard Hughes

    We love the app. Great work by you. So useful.

    I saw 2 bugs that maybe you could fix.
    1. prayer-request-moderation
    This code
    $prm= get_option(‘prayer-request-moderation’);
    if(!empty( $prm) )$prm=get_option(‘admin_email’);
    Needs changed to be like this.
    $prm= get_option(‘prayer-request-moderation’);
    if(empty( $prm) )$prm=get_option(‘admin_email’); // only use admin_email if prayer-request-moderation is empty.

    2. Pray Request – drafts are showing in the app…. they should not. Please remove the OR draft
    $prayerPosts=$wpdb->get_results(‘SELECT * FROM ‘.$wpdb->posts.’ WHERE post_type=”prayer-requests” AND (post_status=”publish” OR post_status=”draft”) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT ‘.(int)$paged*$postsPerPage.’,’.(int)$postsPerPage);

    1 Feature request – add the directory search to the ca_app_old_address_list
    a. please do not delete ca_app_old_address_list. We only have “family” photos and the new only uses individual photos.

    Just copy paste this code into the ca_app_old_address_list()
    $html='<p><input id=”s” type=”text” placeholder=”‘.esc_html( __(‘Search for?’,’church-admin’ ) ).'” /></p>’;
    if(!empty( $loginStatus) && church_admin_level_check(‘Directory’,$loginStatus->user_id) ) $html.='<p><input type=”checkbox” id=”all-list” />’
    .esc_html( __(“(Admins only) Include all member types”,’church-admin’ ) ).'</p>’;
    $html.='<p><button id=”search” data-tab=”#search” class=”button action” type=”submit”>’.esc_html( __(‘Search’,’church-admin’ ) ).'</button></
    $address[] = $html;

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Okay Thanks
    With the draft one showing – they will only show drafts to those allowed to moderate.
    It’ll be in v4.0.033

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