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Photos from Media Library/Photo PDF

About Support Directory Photos from Media Library/Photo PDF

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  • #2757
    Avatar for bmackintoshbmackintosh

    Good day again – thanks again for your help on my previous question. I am running into a few issues related to photos and wonder if you can point me in the right direction?

    (1) I am using Church Admin 1.169 but I don’t seem to be able to add images from the media library per the post on your page. When I upload a photo it is adding that photo to the media library, but I don’t have the “Media Library” option. I can send an email with some separate screenshots if that would help.

    (2) On our public-facing-site I added the PDF version with Photos option but I receive an HTTP Error 500 (in Chrome) when I hit the link:,2
    I have tried in a few browsers. In Firefox no error is returned but nothing is generated. Any ideas?


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Found the bug for issue #2 – will fix later today
    On the adding images issue, is that on a page with the register shortcode or in the back end?

    Avatar for bmackintoshbmackintosh

    @andymoyle said:
    Found the bug for issue #2 – will fix later today
    On the adding images issue, is that on a page with the register shortcode or in the back end?  

    The image add-in is from our main WordPress admin page (the backend as it were).

    Avatar for bmackintoshbmackintosh

    @bmackintosh said:

    The image add-in is from our main WordPress admin page (the backend as it were).  

    Any update on the above question?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    At the moment it’s upload only as the code is used in the front end for [church_admin_register] and the back end. I’ll try and find a way to detect what the code is being used for and offer the media library if it’s backend.
    While digging I found a bug when you edit a person, it wasn’t remembering the previously saved image. That is fixed for the next update.

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