Our Classes do not show in the App.

About Support What do you want added? Our Classes do not show in the App.

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  • #3082
    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    They seem to be fine in the calendar, the classes shortcodes, et al on the web but the App says, “No classes yet”. Help please!?!?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Just checked – the app uses an old way of querying for current classes. In 2.6908 it uses the same as the shortcode, so should be fine now

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    I just can’t believe you find and fix things so quickly. I am impressed and appreciative.

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    Sorry Andy but I just updated and reloaded the app but it still says, “No classes yet.”

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That’s strange – can’t see the classes link in the menu on your site. Could you email me the link and a login if necessary so I can find the issue.

    I’ve got a class setup now on my site and just enabled classes as an app menu and it shows in the app, but is not touchable for booking etc, so there’s clearly something not right at the moment.

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    The page is at https://calvarychapelrosarito.info/es/classes/

    Your login is Andy.Moyle

    Thanks Again Pastor.

    P.S. I’m also just noticing that the class specific shortcode [church_admin type="class" class_id="48"] displays on the page but does not expand when clicked on.
    Here is the link — https://calvarychapelrosarito.info/en/romans-class-sign-ups/

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    No speaky Spanish! – I noticed that event info was expanding to ask for login apart from the single class specific page. I can’t get in even after going through the reset password process.

    Have you got dates set on the classes?

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    Yes the dates are set. The classes show in the calendar. They show on https://calvarychapelrosarito.info/en/classes/ . (English version… sorry)
    I reset your password to be #######

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It won’t let me in at all even with the new password!

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    I can only guess that it may have been our security shield blocking your up. I have disabled it for now.

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    Thank you sooo much! I just noticed that Classes works in the app.
    Thank yo, thank you, thank you!

    P. S. Did you see our progress on the app? We are trying to clean up the CSS to be able to share it with other churches.

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