Old Calendar style not available?

About Support Calendar Old Calendar style not available?

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    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    I liked the calendar in your demo (with the items visible and expanding on hover), but the Gutenberg block seems only to present the new style.
    I’ve checked the “Table Style” box. That shows the calendar correctly (as old style) in the edit page mode, but the check box disappears each time I leave the block or preview or update the page and the calendar always displays in the new style (showing just “x events”).
    Any way round this, please?
    Thank you

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for pointing this out -I am working on it! The next version of WordPress breaks a whole load of things with the blocks coding (and my test server uses beta WP versions) So it’s taken a good few hours, making any blocks work again!!!

    It should be done in a day or two.

    For now use the shortcode block
    and the shortcode [church_admin type="calendar" style="old"]

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Just uploaded 3.2.7 which should fix that and improve blocks going on into WordPress 3.9!

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Thank you, Andy.
    I was delighted to read your second message – that update 3.2.7 should have fixed it.
    Sadly, whilst I agree the block now allows the old type calendar to be shown, it’s not connecting with my calendar data.
    Therefore, for now, I’ve used the shortcode. (Until I read your 1st answer I didn’t know how to do this, so thank you for that!)

    When you say, “the next version of WP” do you mean 5.8? I’m still running 5.6.4 and was already nervous about updating in case it would break anything!

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Like you say it is still broken. Just working on it now.
    I always make sure my plugins are compatible with upcoming releases. The current version is 5.8 – the one in testing is 5.9.
    Updating is always a good idea as some fixes are about security!

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Thank you.
    You know that the WP plugin update page shows this app as 100% compatible with 5.6.4 (according to its author) but “unknown” with 5.8? I’ll be honest, this has played a part in my hesitancy in updating…

    In other news, having successfully displayed my calendar with the shortcode, I tried to produce this year’s “Year Planner PDF” from the calendar page. It took me to an error page: “There has been a critical error on this website.” It doesn’t actually appear to have affected the website (I can go back to view the calendar page and every other page I tried seems to function properly), but this is obviously not quite right. You may be aware of this of course.

    Thank you for your help,
    Mark (new member, keen to make this work, but perhaps not as tech-savvy as some)

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