If I add any “nth day” recurring event to calendar then the start date moves to 1970-01-01
Steps to reproduce:
1. New Installation of WP with Church Admin Plugin
2. Change language to German in general settings of WP
3. Reduce modules to Calendar, Facilities and Events
4. Add some facilities and calendar categories
5. Add following event:
Event Title: Communion service
Start Date: 01/05/2020
Recurring: nth day (eg 1st Friday)
Recurring on: 1st Sunday
How many times in all?: 3
Start Time of form HH:MM: 10:00 AM
End Time of form HH:MM: 11:30 AM
Appear on General Calendar?: checked
6. Go to database and check in “church_admin_calendar_date” row “start_date”
7. You will see all events are starting at 1970-01-01
8. Change language to English (UK) in general settings of WP
9. Add same event and all will be fine
Best regards