Names with “special” characters like é are ignored in CSV-import

About Support Installing Church Admin Names with “special” characters like é are ignored in CSV-import

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  • #2962 Mark as unsolved
    Avatar for Harjan Sanders

    Hello Andy,

    We are looking if we can use the ChurchAdminPlugin for out website te maka a “face book” thats on a private part of our website.
    When importing our adreslist of our Church members, 95% works as aspected but the names for people with charactors like ë / ú in the name, are ignored by the import. Can you explane this?

    (Using Dutch language settings)

    Thank you.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Will take a look. It’s going to be an encoding issue. Could you send me the CSV so I can have a play please

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