More flexibility on user profile access please

About Support What do you want added? More flexibility on user profile access please

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  • #2597


    I’m part of a new church plant in Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. Your plugin is exactly what we needed.

    Unless I’ve missed something it seems the various aspect of the plugin can only be operated by a wordpress administrator. I’d really like to be able to specify which users have access to update/edit the rota, directory list, etc…

    I’m a bit nervous about giving non-techy people full admin access to the wordpress dashboard.

    If it helps I’d be willing to help with the coding. I’ve been a software engineer developing desktop applications for nearly 13 years now but am relatively new to web-programming.



    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle


    I’ve just coded user level options for the varous church admin functions – will test and make it part of the update in a fortnight

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    User level permissions for the various modules is now live in v0.4.3 along with a lot of other improvements!


    That’s great thanks for doing that. I’ve installed v0.4.44 and am having a look at it now…


    I’ve noticed that if I change the levels for the plugin functions to editors on the settings page and save, when I go back in to the settings page the levels all show as administrator again. I’ve tried it out and it does appear to still be restricted to administrators only.

    I don’t know if this has any bearing on the problem but I deactivated and deleted my last installation before installing the new one. When I used the new version it still had the rota jobs I set-up on the old version so I don’t know if something similar may have happened with the settings?

    I hope you don’t mind me posting this here I wasn’t sure where to post it to in the support area?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I’ll take a peek – shouldn’t be too hard to fix!

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