Message to App Users

About Support App Message to App Users

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  • #7569
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Hi Andy,
    I suspect this may be explained by my user habits and probably won’t be a problem experienced by others…

    I have three churches, each with their own website, ChurchAdminPlugin and App.

    In June, I sent a message to app users from one of the websites. I’ve just discovered it as a message received by app user accounts attached to the other churches (different websites).

    I don’t think that should have happened, and I didn’t want it to happen (though it isn’t a serious problem). My guess is that by creating the message from an admin account which bears the same email address as the admin accounts on the other websites, your app has simply sent it round to all the apps associated with that email address… I can fix that by giving my websites different admin email addresses, but thought I had better flag it up to you in case it isn’t that… I wouldn’t want my messages to go more widely…

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Just to clarify that we are talking about push messages?
    Sent from the app or plugin in a browser?

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Yes – an app push message (only done it once so far). Shows up under “Messages” in the app.
    I can’t remember whether I sent it from the app or from the plugin in a browser. Would/could that make a difference?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    This bug is not as bad as it could be.
    Logging out of the app wasn’t clearing stored messages, so when you log into another church, the messages would still be there. They aren’t going to the other church’s users!

    Fixed for next app update – app updates are slower. So may be a week or two. You can clear the messages, while logged in.

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