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member_data date extraction

About Support Directory member_data date extraction

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  • #2808
    Avatar for bdoylebdoyle


    using sql what is the best way to extract the date from the p_jw4au4_church_admin_people.member_data? For example I have someone who had the member_type of “Visitor”; member_type_id=1, “Regular Attendance”; member_type_id=2 and “Member”; member_type_id=3 The member_data field has dates for each of these and I want the date for “Member”.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    The dates for each member type are stored as a serialized array under the member_data column. When I did it, I didn’t envisage ever really using it in a way that required a search. I will get round to using the people_meta table to store that data, so it can be used more easily – actually probably for the next update!

    For now something like…
    SELECT * FROM p_jw4au4_church_admin_people WHERE member_data REGEXP ‘.*”3″;s:[0-9]’

    may work!

    What will work is using a php script to grab the records, unserializing the member_data array and looking for an array_key 3

    Avatar for bdoylebdoyle

    Thank you! I will be trying this!

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    The new update v1.45x puts member dates in the people_meta table making it easier for you

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