Links in emails stripped out

About Support Prayer Requests Links in emails stripped out

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  • #5488
    Avatar for JonJon

    I suspect this is a MailChimp or YouTube problem but want to see if anyone has insights. When we post prayer requests, links are SOMETIMES stripped out of the email that runs through MailChimp. This actually hasn’t happened for awhile, but today it stripped out links twice. Zoom links always work fine, but links to YouTube streams of our services seem to be the biggest problem.

    Thanks for any help.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I have been having a similar problem too – a YouTube embed gets stripped out. Had done a workaround for audio embeds, but will work on it as it’s annoying!!!

    Are you using Classic Editor or Gutenberg?

    Avatar for JonJon

    Right now I’m still using classic, though I’m rebuilding the site in Gutenberg (on a separate staging domain). Glad to know you’re working on it, thanks!

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