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Linking Calendar and Service Rota to publish next service information

About Support What do you want added? Linking Calendar and Service Rota to publish next service information

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  • #7718

    Would it be possible to produce a shortcode or something that will collect data from the Calendar (services), the rota (who is preaching and leading) add a theme so that the short code would produce something like “Next Sunday (calendar date) our service will be led by <rota- leader> and <rota-preacher> will be preaching on <theme>”

    At the moment i have a recurring calendar event for the Morning Service, but I cannot see a way of editing each week with preacher / leader information.

    Just a thought! But it would save me time each week. 🙂

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I’ve added it in in a simple way automatically. You can set rota jobs to show or not show in the calendar as you wish by editing them.

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