After entering a correct address on the add new household or on the registration page from the shortcode, See my page :-
Instead of the start page of London map I get a blank map
The blank map changes to the correct location with an overlay of the same location with no marker.
Zoom out and both the main map & the overlay zoom out. After several zoom in & out the overlay will disappear and the marker appears in the correct place.
This happens with Firefox, Chrome, & IE browsers
Checked back and was OK with v1.0964
Further investigation shows the problem in the /includes/directory.php between lines 926 & 952 but that’s as far as my PHP expertise goes
By overwriting the directory.php from v1.0964 the problem is cured but probably introduced older problems so Andy I leave this one with you.
Screenshots in the Email but you can check yourself on my web link above