These last months we have been configuring the Church Admin plugin and it has worked well, we have successfully used Banahosting as a hosting provider for our website and other services for a long time, but in the last days the plugin has stopped working because the file index.php is deleted by security systems because it is detected as malicious by the Antivirus of our hosting provider
Fri Jul17 13:20:14 EDT 2020 => /home/ghgqlypy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/church-admin/index.php: Atomicorp.PHP.fopen.htaccess.2010121601.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
Fri Jul17 13:20:14 EDT 2020 => /home/ghgqlypy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/church-admin/index.php: Removed.
The hosting provider’s support service informs me that the files were encrypted using the same encryption method that is used by the most dangerous viruses and infections, because this encryption method represents a threat, they cannot turn off or exclude their detection, on a shared server since that would put other clients at risk. Also, the antivirus that is detecting the files does not support adding directories or paths to the white list.
The suggestion is that the programmer or provider encode / protect their programs using a recognized and commercial solution such as ZendGuard or SourceGuardian, please help us so that the plugin can work in this situation and is not recognized as a threat.