Importing CSV information

About Support Installing Church Admin Importing CSV information

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  • #3099
    Avatar for GrawolphGrawolph

    I am trying to import a CSV file of our membership which I exported from Mailchimp, so all of these people have already given us permission to use their names and emails for the membership lists. However, once I import them, NONE of them have any privacy settings set. So, I have to go into each one and check the privacy settings. Is there anyway to include this on the import file so that each entry does NOT have to be updated?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    When you import the CSV you can map privacy settings to email send/mail/send/photo_permission
    I would map the column CONFIRM_TIME on the MailChimp export CSV to “email send” as that is confirmation they are happy to receive email.

    There’s no opportunity to map a field to GDPR reason in the plugin currently. But Church Admin>People will show a warning box, because your imported contacts don’t have GDPR reason set. There is a link in that box “Confirm Everyone”

    You can also do that by browsing to this (change YOURDOMAIN for your website URL)

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