Import Household information via CSV

About Support Support Import Household information via CSV

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  • #6740
    Avatar for gb.franciosagb.franciosa

    I’m trying to import a list of about 600 people in the Church Admin Plugin DB via the CSV import function.
    It is possible to set the household related to families and the head of household using fileds of the CSV?
    Or, alternatively, there is some procedure that help me in this issue?
    This is very helpful for me.

    Thanks in advance for support.

    Giovanni Franciosa

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That will be simple for me to add to the plugin. It will be in the next update.

    Dove sei? In Italia?

    Avatar for gb.franciosagb.franciosa

    Si, sono in Italia.
    A Portici, near Napoli.

    Avatar for gb.franciosagb.franciosa

    Thanks a lot… For me is very important.

    Avatar for gb.franciosagb.franciosa

    It work fine!

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